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Against All Odds Project

‘Against All Odds’ has been working to support safeguarding and protection of women and girls and in particular,  ethnic minorities’ women and children for years; our experiences recorded that many women (most especially Africans) suffer in silence in other to retain their home or protect honour for their family.

Recently, we have been receiving more interest due to our personal experiences and cultural background knowledge. We, therefore, need to provide a more structured program that will actively support and equip new groups and projects.
We provide a befriending service that gives tailored and additional therapeutic rehab support to survivors of domestic violence and abuses among the community; to help restore women and girls’s physical and mental health to live a better and productive life.

This project will provide inputs that will assist survivors to regain their confidence and self esteem to enable them to develop trust and regain key/life skills that will help them to reintegrate, socialise and be productive.
The organisation is run by qualified and friendly women who have experienced similar problem, but very passionate to support their community and help others to overcome such bad experience; Our Practitioners will carry out this new service and be supported by volunteers.

Many individuals experiencing these problems are finding it hard to readjust because they have been treated with general method and approach; there is need to provide access to specialist support services, appropriate and tailored for ethnic minorities’ women and girls and other women and children and to implement action to meet all their needs.
Our project will assist our members to:

  • Improved health and well-being
  • Acquire skills for employment or self-employment
  • Improved outlook and attitudes
  • Effective social interaction
  • Confidence to re-integration
  • Increased safety and perceptions of safety
  • Feeling informed

As a result of increasing demands, we are currently looking for Volunteers to fill our current roles available to help us support our work as listed below. This can lead to valuable experience and further opportunities.

Roles to fill:

Various positions, including:

IT Volunteers





Click Here to contact us for more information and application form.

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